I studied Computer Engineering as an undergrad student at the University of Florida, and then later I went back for my MBA (Go Gators!). So it’s no surprise that I spend my days doing a mix of engineering and business administration.
Last month was a little unusual because I was almost entirely focused on a big engineering project. And although the entire project is focused on you, I hope you didn’t notice.
That’s one of the interesting things about my job: I’m here to help you get the most out of your career while staying out of your way so you can conduct your career 😊
So what have I been up to?
I’m glad you asked! It’s all about workflows like this one:
Customer intake workflow (click for bigger version)
This is how I send readers the most useful information as quickly as possible. Instead of making assumptions and sending generic advice, this workflow helps me to find out where you’re focused right now—interviewing, negotiating a new salary, or planning to ask for a raise—so I can send timely advice right away.
And this is just one workflow of several I’ve been working on. Here’s a bigger-picture perspective—the workflow above is the middle one in black:
I have a giant whiteboard in my office (click for bigger version)
I spend most of my day asking myself, “How can I make this better?” Sometimes that leads me to an engineering task, and sometimes it leads me to a business task. But I almost always enjoy what I do.
A big part of this project was improving the bundles I offer for my book, Fearless Salary Negotiation. If you’re ready to finally take control of your career, check it out!